Andrew, a.k.a. Ambassador Andrew, is a sci-fi TV nut who harbors a special place in his dark heart for ST:TNG. He cites Jean-Luc Picard as a role model for leadership and Worf as a role model for being large and goofy.
Besides TNG and its community, Andrew nurses obsessions over comics (mostly Marvel), movies, (mostly Marvel), Doctor Who, and other geeky nerd things. He regularly attends comic cons, including Comic Con International in San Diego. He even dressed up as a middle-aged Silver Surfer once.
Andrew is happily married to Annette, a remarkably patient and indulgent person with terrible taste in men.

Dave, a.k.a. Commander Dave-E-Dave, is a deep, deep fan of sci-fi and especially all that is Star Trek. Commander Dave is not afraid to don his Spandex Starfleet uniform when duty calls and that duty is recording STTNGEEZ! Outside of his TNG community podcast roles, Dave enjoys making the universe a better place through design. In his spare–spare time Dave’s hard at work building a to-scale replica of the Ready Room so he can enjoy a proper Earl Grey.
Dave is lucky when he can take shore leave with his wife Tonya and their two kids.